Friday, July 16, 2010

No double dating tonight

JOE: You goin 2 da movies? RICH: Yeah. JOE: Wit who? RICH: Rachel from Washington Heights. JOE: To see What? RICH: Inception; midnight show. JOE: She bringing her cousin? RICH: Yeah, and forget it; I asked already and she said no. JOE: Asked what? RICH: Can I bring my cousin. JOE: Why she say no? RICH: Dont take this personal son, but she said you a low life. JOE: What! Why? RICH: Said she saw you at Club Shadows steal a girls drink off the bar. JOE: Man, whateva, yo. RICH: You not even gonna deny it, son? JOE: Huh?

Saturday, July 10, 2010


JOE: Would u mind if I dated an X-Girlfriend of yours? RICH: Depends on how long ago we dated. JOE: Ten. RICH: 10 Years, months or weeks? JOE: 10 days. RICH: 10 days ago. Hell Yes! JOE: But you wasn't feelin her, yo. RICH: Have some respect, son! JOE: I waited a week and a half, yo. RICH: What!